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How to crush broken beads and when to knead?

鏃堕棿:2018-11-05 08:19:41鏉ユ簮:鏈珯 浣滆€匉admin 鐐瑰嚮: 娆狘/div>
     Pearl smoke, which is a relatively expensive cigarette, but there are still many people like it. How do you break up the bead?
How to crush broken beads?
     How to crush explosive beads depends on personal habits. Whether you like to bite or pinch them, I like to bite them directly when I smoke 5 pairs of ice explosive beads, because they are mint and lime. After biting, mint and lime are combined together, which is very refreshing and mellow. Some of my friends like to bite and explode close to their lips first. The one that bites and explode another one seems to have 6 different collocations, as you like. I feel very refreshing when I come to work when I am very sleepy.
     Pearl smoke refers to a pearl with spices in the cigarette holder. Mint smoke will be cooler if it is crushed into pearls. If it is not crushed, it is ordinary smoke.
     When will the bead be pressed?
     1, single explosion beads: that is, the cigarette holder has only one bead, and generally does not need to be pressed after being ignited. After pumping 1/3, use the pressure to find the location of the burst beads and crush them. This is more familiar with several times, vigorously absorb a mouthful. You can understand the smell of 100% exploding beads.
     2, double blasting beads: Marlboro blueberry double explosion as a column. There is a slight change in pumping. After lighting, you can suck up the first burst bead by pumping two or three. Just a little more than 1/3, and break up the second. The taste is the best. Order doesn't matter. Think more about yourself.
    A lot of new beginners are prone to make mistakes by breaking the ball. Remember to use teeth to bite, so that you can experience the pleasure of blasting beads. The 1/3 bite to smoke is the best position.
    The difference between crushing and non-crushing of the Pearl smoke is that the national smoke with the Pearl does not crush is the ordinary smoke. After crushing, there are all kinds of flavors, such as orange, blueberry and grosvenor.
    External smoke with explosive beads is basically mint flavor, is cool, but after crushing explosive beads taste, there are more orange, watermelon, banana, lemon butter and a lot more.
    All right, the introduction of the use of bead smoke is here.

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