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How do you smoke a double bead cigarette?

鏃堕棿:2018-11-05 08:18:17鏉ユ簮:鏈珯 浣滆€匉admin 鐐瑰嚮: 娆狘/div>
In recent years, pearl-fired cigarettes are popular, leading the trend and fashion. Pearl-fired cigarettes can improve the quality of cigarettes, and are popular with many consumers. Explosion beads are small liquid beads embedded in cigarette filters. They encapsulate the liquids of different types of spices. Smokers can pinch and explode during smoking to make the liquid in the beads flow out.
At present, there are mainly two kinds of firecrackers circulating on the market, one is single explosion bead, the other is double explosion bead. There is only one burst bead at the filter tip of the single explosion bead, and there are two different kinds of beads for double explosion beads. There are differences between them in the use of exploding beads. Many consumers have doubts about the use of exploding bead smoke. How do they smoke? Next, we will learn about the information about SINGLE-FIRED beads and double-fired beads cigarettes from China Cigarette Network.
Different methods of absorption
At present, at home and abroad, the number of detonating beads contained in a cigarette is usually one or two. The use of single and double beads is different when they are aspirated. After the ignition of the single explosion bead smoke, it will be pumped to 1/3 places according to the method mentioned before, and then it can be kneaded and exploded.
Double blasting beads are more troublesome. After two or three suctions, the first blasting bead can be squeezed, and then the second one can be squeezed to more than one third of the position.
Some people, in order to experience the different taste of the explosive beads, will first pinch the one above, suck half of it, then cut off the upper half along the dotted line on the filter tip, and then explode the remaining explosive beads, so as to better taste their different tastes. Some friends like to explode the one near their mouth first, and then the one outside. When the two flavors are mixed together, the taste is improved.

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